Bridging the Gap: Implementation and Impact of Virtual Reality Technology on Parental Educational Engagement
Virtual Reality Technology, Parent Engagement, Educational Innovation, Mixed Research Methods, Out-of-School EducationAbstract
This study investigates the application and effectiveness of Virtual Reality (VR) technology in enhancing parental engagement in education. Through a one-year case study at XX Youth Palace, we conducted systematic research using mixed methods, involving 200 students, 200 parents, and 20 teachers. We designed a VR-based parent engagement program incorporating features such as virtual parent meetings, virtual classroom experiences, and 360-degree campus tours, evaluating its effectiveness through a quasi-experimental design.
The results demonstrate that VR technology significantly enhanced parental engagement, with the experimental group showing a 47% higher average participation frequency and an 18% improvement in engagement quality compared to the control group. The implementation of VR technology expanded traditional participation channels from 5 to 12, with 87% of parents utilizing the virtual classroom experience feature. The impact was particularly pronounced for working parents and those living at a distance, showing increases of 56% and 48% in engagement levels, respectively. Longitudinal data revealed that the experimental group maintained a monthly active participation rate of approximately 75%, while the control group exhibited a declining trend.
The study also identified challenges in VR implementation, including equipment costs, user adaptation, and technical support requirements. Based on these findings, we propose specific recommendations for implementing VR technology in education, including phased implementation strategies, personalized application plans, and teacher support system development. This research provides empirical evidence for understanding the role of VR technology in enhancing parental engagement and carries significant theoretical and practical implications for advancing educational technology innovation.
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