Peer Review Policy

Peer Review Policy for International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Advanced Applications

The International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Advanced Applications (IJETAA) is committed to maintaining high standards of quality and integrity in its published articles. To ensure this, all submitted manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer review process before acceptance and publication. IJETAA offers three types of peer review: Peer Review, Anonymous Peer Review, and Double Anonymous Peer Review. The specific type of review employed for each article will be determined through consultation between the author(s) and the assigned editor. For more about peer review rules (Peer Review Guidelines).

1. Peer Review
In this type of review, the identities of both the author(s) and the reviewer(s) are known to each other. The reviewer(s) will assess the submitted manuscript based on its originality, significance, clarity, and validity of the research methodology and conclusions. The reviewer(s) will provide constructive feedback and recommendations to the author(s) for improvement, if necessary.

2. Anonymous Peer Review
Under this review type, the identity of the reviewer(s) is not disclosed to the author(s). However, the reviewer(s) will be aware of the author(s)' identity. This allows the reviewer(s) to provide an unbiased assessment of the manuscript without any potential influence from the author(s)' reputation or affiliations. The reviewer(s) will evaluate the manuscript based on the same criteria as in the Peer Review process and provide feedback and recommendations accordingly.

3. Double Anonymous Peer Review
In this type of review, both the author(s) and the reviewer(s) remain anonymous to each other throughout the review process. This ensures the highest level of impartiality in the assessment of the submitted manuscript. The reviewer(s) will evaluate the manuscript solely based on its merit, without any potential bias arising from the author(s)' identity or affiliations. The reviewer(s) will provide their feedback and recommendations, which will be communicated to the author(s) by the assigned editor.

The choice of the peer review type for each submitted manuscript will be jointly decided by the author(s) and the assigned editor. This decision will be based on various factors, such as the nature of the research, the preferences of the author(s), and the recommendations of the editorial board.

Regardless of the type of peer review employed, all reviewers are expected to maintain strict confidentiality and not disclose any information about the submitted manuscript or the review process to third parties. The final decision on the acceptance or rejection of a manuscript will be made by the editor-in-chief, based on the recommendations of the reviewer(s) and the assigned editor.

By adopting this flexible peer review policy, IJETAA aims to provide authors with a choice in the review process while maintaining the highest standards of quality and integrity in its published articles.

IJETAA Editorial Office
January 29, 2024